Kontaktiere uns
Tel.: (+47) 51 60 86 00
Email: post@sandnesgarn.no
Sandnes Garn AS
Postboks 143, Sentrum
N-4301 Sandnes
Kvernelandsveien 126
Foss Eikeland
N-4323 Sandnes
Organisationsnummer: 877 050 262
Sandnes Garn AS
Postboks 143, Sentrum
N-4301 Sandnes
Phone: (+47) 51 60 86 00
E-mail: post@sandnesgarn.no
For EU online or other distance sales:
SandGarn AB, Fabriksgatan 6, 553 18 Jönköping, Sweden
Anette H. Olsen: contact@sandnesgarn.no
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Sandnes Garn dealer. Send us an email with some info about your store, and we will contact you as soon as we have the opportunity.
Email: norge@sandnesgarn.no
Email: danmark@sandnesgarn.no
Email: sverige@sandnesgarn.no
Email/Sähköposti: finland@sandnesgarn.no
Andere Länder:
Email: export@sandnesgarn.no
Want to become a wholesaler?
Send an email to export@sandnesgarn.no, and we will contact you as soon as we have the opportunity.